AMNIODETECT, Screening Test leakage of amniotic fluid - bt 3
flow of amniotic fluid in case of breakage or cracking of the bag of waters during the last two trimesters of pregnancy testing.
wait 12 hours after sexual intercourse or intimate toilet before using Amniodetect.
out the panty, apply it on the bottom of the pants. Wear until moist (do not keep more than 12 hours). Start the test by pulling the end of the liner to release the test strip. Ask on the absorbent plastic box blotter. Close the plastic box and throw the panty liner. Wait 10 minutes before drying interpretation. If the strip is blue or green, the flow is probably amniotic origin.
out the panty, apply it on the bottom of the pants. Wear until moist (do not keep more than 12 hours). Start the test by pulling the end of the liner to release the test strip. Ask on the absorbent plastic box blotter. Close the plastic box and throw the panty liner. Wait 10 minutes before drying interpretation. If the strip is blue or green, the flow is probably amniotic origin.
Réf. : 022363