BEBAX BOOTS RIGHT Chausson single hinged brace correction Infant - unit
taille 0 = 7.5 cm
taille 1 = 8 cm
taille 2 = 8.5 cm
taille 3 = 9 cm
taille 4 = 9.5 cm
taille 5 = 10 cm
taille 6 = 10.5 cm
taille 7 = 11.5 cm
taille 8 = 12.5 cm
taille 9 = 13.5 cm
congenital malposition of the infant foot, metatarsus varus, metatarsus adductus, talus valgus foot slope, varus foot supinatus reducible and residual varus forefoot in the aftermath of equinus varus already completed.
Do not use the boot in first line treatment of talipes equinovarus.
leather, plastic.
avoid hypercorrections immediately. The average duration of treatment is 35 days. The correction period is 21 days continuous wear of the boot 24h/24. The contention period is 14 days, gradual decrease of wearing boot.
Réf. : 023205