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  • RESPIMER NetiFlow, nasal irrigation kit + 6 sachets
RESPIMER NetiFlow, nasal irrigation kit + 6 sachets

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RESPIMER NetiFlow, nasal irrigation kit + 6 sachets


Composition The sachets of RESPIMER NetiFlow make it possible to reconstitute, by dilution of one or two sachets in 240ml * of source or mineral (non-aerated) water, a nasal irrigation solution with UNIQUE characteristics: Its composition: A pharmaceutical grade complex consisting of 5 mineral salts. A mineral composition that makes it a solution close to the extracellular fluid His actions: Fluidifies the mucus and evacuates all types of secretions, crusts and infectious agents Relieves nasal congestion and sinus pressure (osmotic effect) Promotes the proper functioning of the respiratory system of the respiratory system (beat and mucociliary clearance) Its guarantees: Good tolerance thanks to its sodium bicarbonate buffer system The physiology of the nasal mucosa by a controlled pH close to 8 and the absence of preservative and chemical derivative with deleterious effects on the nasal mucosa.


  • Mode d’administration

    En fonction des préférences et de la sévérité des symptômes, RESPIMER Netiflow offre deux modes d’administration :

    Mode d'administration RESPIMER Netiflow Irrigation douce


  • Le flacon et l’embout courbé sont orientés vers le bas
  • La solution s’écoule dans votre narine par gravité en pressant le flacon avec notre main
  • Mode d'administration RESPIMER Netiflow Irrigation intense


  • Le flacon et l’embout droit sont orientés vers le haut
  • La solution pénètre dans votre narine en pressant le flacon avec votre main

Réf. : 044773

RESPIMER NetiFlow, nasal irrigation kit + 6 sachets

Informations : Details :
Brands Laboratoire de la Mer

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